Big Man Japan... Everyone avoids him like a cyclone ranger
Big Man Japan is a live action mockumentary however. Yes feel free to groan now. Look I loved this is Spinal Tap as much as the next bloke, but the reason Spinal Tap worked was not because it was a fake documentary but because Stonehenge statue was 6 inches tall and in danger of being crushed by dancing dwarfs.
If you fake a documentary and don't write jokes and funny bits it simply is a boring documentary that isn't true. This whole ‘the character and situations provide an inside laugh' does not work. You got to write some bloody jokes.
Eighty percent of Big Man Japan consists of our hero [who is a dead wringer for Neil (the hippie) from The Young Ones] sitting. Sometimes he sits and rambles on about how bad his life is and sometimes, as God as my witness, he just sits. In what possible universe is this entertainment?
The monster stuff tries too hard as well. Okay that is not completely accurate, since the city design is so lacking in detail and believability one must assume it looks that fake on purpose. It is the monsters themselves however that seem to strain to get a laugh. (Ooh a giant hairy scrotum with an extended eyeball.) But at least the monster bits were trying to be funny and in their own way were well done, which is more than can be said for the rest of the film.

Ladies and gentleman writer director producer and star Hitoshi Matsumoto with his giant purple underwear.

Some part of me (not a good part I assure you) would like to see the hairy scrotum eyeball monster go head to head against the giant tit from Woody Allen's Every Thing You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask.

I am assuming the city models look that bad for comic effect.

This is grandpa big man and he has Alzheimer's... yeah the laughs keep coming.

Funny concept doesn't always equal funny execution example #23
Big Man Japan Trailer
Big Man Japan Fight 1
Big Man Japan Fight 2
Big Man Japan Fight 3
Big Man Japan Fight 4
Most people didn't like the ending too political I suppose. Also crappy and confusing.
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