The Assemblage of the Crystal Sphere: A D&D Story... Broken Base
The Assemblage of the Crystal Sphere: A D&D Story: 1 out of 10: This is a film about five people playing a five-year D&D campaign. The film seems shot in real time. That is, it consists of people rolling dice and well talking; for an hour and a half. Yup… (Sounds of fingers tapping)

Okay let me deconstruct this a little. The filmmakers claim this is a mockumentary, unfortunately the mock part is so subtle as to be, well non-existent. So instead, you have five people you do not know, playing an D&D game, you aren’t a member of. It is worse than those celebrity poker shows…. Much worse.

I am really starting to think there is not any flotsam that you can capture with a digital video camera nowadays that you cannot call an “indie” film. A store security tape might have made a better movie than this nonsense.

For the masochists in my audience some clips of the "film"
The Trailer
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The Assemblage of the Crystal Sphere: A D&D Story: 1 out of 10: This is a film about five people playing a five-year D&D campaign. The film seems shot in real time. That is, it consists of people rolling dice and well talking; for an hour and a half. Yup… (Sounds of fingers tapping)
Okay let me deconstruct this a little. The filmmakers claim this is a mockumentary, unfortunately the mock part is so subtle as to be, well non-existent. So instead, you have five people you do not know, playing an D&D game, you aren’t a member of. It is worse than those celebrity poker shows…. Much worse.
I am really starting to think there is not any flotsam that you can capture with a digital video camera nowadays that you cannot call an “indie” film. A store security tape might have made a better movie than this nonsense.
For the masochists in my audience some clips of the "film"
The Trailer
Please click here for the index of Movie Reviews and Actress Profiles
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