Gross Pointe Blank... Nothing But Hits
Gross Pointe Blank: 8 out of 10: This movie is full of small miracles. For one thing, Dan Ackroyd is funny. Let that sink in a bit. When was the last time Dan Ackroyd made you laugh?
Now I confess I am the perfect target market for this movie. I am in the age range where I think the soundtrack is cool and the eighties were a pretty good time. Nowadays of course many people look back on the eighties with rose-colored glasses. Back when teens could be teens without ending up on MSNBC. Back before cell phones let parents track our movements and school security consisted of a bald vice principle with an attitude problem.
The movie is well cast with John Cusack as a professional hit man going to his 10 year high school reunion and Minnie Driver as the girl he left behind. A great supporting cast includes Alan Arkin as a therapist unhappy with a killer for a client (Years before The Sopranos or Analyze This) . The aforementioned Dan Aykroyd as a competing hit man and Joan Cusack as the secretary that both cares and is insane.
The story is very silly and over the top, yet Gross Pointe Blank somehow manages to keep the tone just right throughout the proceedings. Existential silliness adds to the fun rather than distracts. Moreover, did I mention a really good soundtrack.

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