Famke Janssen
Every reviewer said Famke Jessen was wasted in the recent Liam Neeson vehicle Taken... I agree. This Goldeneye Bond villain shouldn't be playing kept woman divorcee shrew anytime soon.
She is a also known to fanboys as Jean Grey from the X-Men movies.


"Anyone who dresses their teenage daughter like that needs a preemptive visit from Pedobear."

"Cup Runneth Over"

"Dry cleaned shirt is a must for an A list star... Good going Liam"

"Final Watercolor"

"Are you ready for some football?"

"IBCF Sexy"

"League of her own"

"I guess it is better than letting Halle Berry drive"
Horror movie or no horror movie I would kill for storage like that in my apartment.
Famke Janssen has a strange reaction to the garbage bag at the end of the rainbow in 100 Feet.
Famke Janssen and Joely Richardson enjoy a lesbian kiss in this brief clip from Nip/Tuck. Keeping the television tradition of gorgeous woman kissing each other on basic cable alive.
Apparently among Wolverine's superpowers is the ability to snog Jean while still wearing his jeans in this clip from X-Men 3: The Last Stand.
Even the promise of Famke Janssen in what appears to be the worlds sexiest wedding outfit isn't enough to get me to see an Owen Wilson/Eddie Murphy comedy extravaganza TV to film adaptation such as I Spy.
In this scene from Lord of Illusions somehow actor Kevin J. Connor remembers his lines and just doesn't stare at Famke Janssen's chest.
Did Famke Janssen wear this dress through the entire movie? Well if something works why change it I guess.
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